
28 November 2011

Christmas is coming . . .

It's time to get serious about Christmas sewing.

So I've pulled out the arsenal.

First: my favorite Christmas movie

Second: the last little bit of my favorite fabric is becoming a table runner

Third: my second favorite Christmas cookie (these are Christmas cookies in my book because I make them and give them as gifts - they travel really well!)

Fourth: A great Christmas story to read to my kids at night

And Fifth: the BEST Christmas album EVER! All day, every day.

I'm ready.

Now if only my kids read the memo.

1 comment:

  1. O! how wonderful...I have something in common with the "younger" generation! lol

    Every one of your favorites are ones I REALLY like too! White Christmas is a great movie and I really like Josh Grobin. Cute Christmas fabric...and the cookies look yummie. The gift of the Magi...I gave this book to each of my 5 children one year (many years ago) for Christmas gifts. =)

    annie m.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball