
20 January 2012

Finish it up Friday!

With all the snow we've had since Sunday, I just had to take pictures outside. Granted, I was standing in snow up to my knees, but it was worth it, no?

Here are my two finishes. Before you get all impressed, I did not start and finish these in one week. I finished them last week. They were started many moons ago, but sat waiting for me to get up the nerve/get the right sewing machine so I could machine quilt them. My little Husky that pieced them would not have been able to quilt them. Thank goodness for the Juki!

My chimneys and cornerstones quilt:

My red and aqua matchbox quilt:

Side by side in all their bright loveliness!

I backed the matchbox quilt in a red polka dot, but went with aqua flannel for the chimneys quilt.

And I'm just seeing some irony that I finished these two together: matchbox and chimneys? Yes, I am a pyromaniac. But not with my quilts.

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday at crazymomquilts. Here's hoping I've got something to show next week!


  1. Did you make them to go in the same room together? They're both gorgeous!

  2. I *heart* your quilts.....lovely colors and designs!

  3. they are beautiful jennie...and it shows me what you can do with a Juki! awesomesauce.

  4. Like the matchbox pattern. Never knew its name.

  5. Beautiful quilts! I love your fabric.

  6. your matchbox quilt is so gorgeous...was it from a pattern or something you designed yourself?

  7. Really like them, would look great on same bed or in same room


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball