
18 January 2012

WIP Wednesday

Is it Wednesday already? This week is flying by, I tell you. We're in the process of getting snowed in and my kids couldn't be happier. Since we homeschool, it's up to me if it's a "snow day" or not. Well, today was a snow day, full of snowballs, snow angels, snow shovels (for me at least) and cocoa!

I have been a busy bee indoors as well. On Saturday, I started with these:

And ended up with all of these:
By this morning I had this pile of stitched Dresden wedges:

And now I'm snipping corners, finger pressing and turning them with a crochet hook. All 1500+ of them. But I love the fabric and I love that I'm getting a new quilt for my bed out of it. I'm just grateful I have a husband who doesn't mind a quilt that's on the girly side.

As for finishes, I have two, yes TWO finished quilts. Two of my UFOs are now being snuggled with. It's so gratifying to see my boys snuggle in these quilts. I'm so glad they are done and getting loved. I'll have better pics on Friday, but for now:

My Red/Aqua Chimneys and Cornerstones quilt, modeled by my napping Henry - do you see his cocoa mustache? LOVE it!

And my handsome Henry and his best friend/big brother James modeling my Red/Aqua Matchbox quilt.

I also cut up two charm packs for a baby coin quilt, cut the fabric for my Victory Garden quilt and sewed three blocks for that one (see previous post for those pics).

In new project news, besides that Dresden mountain, my son William (6) asked me about his R2D2 quilt. So this one will be started and worked on as well. Because I can't say no to those brown eyes of his.

No progress:
Indian summer quilt
Yellow/Orange string quilt (although I did order yellow minky for the back - oh so excited about that!)
Delft blue pinwheels quilt

The stats:
completed: 2
new projects: 4
currently in progress: far too many!

linking up with Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Congrats on your finishes. I love that colour combination.

  2. Such cute quilt models! Your dresden plates are going to be just beautiful. You're definitely at the most tedious part of the dresden-making process - soldier on!

  3. Wow! You work fast! :)
    The finished quilts look great!

  4. Wow, that is quite a pile of dresdens! That quilt is going to be gorgeous. Love the shots of your cute kids with the quilts. Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday. : )

  5. I have really enjoyed reading about your projects.
    I home school too. :0)


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball