
17 February 2012

Finish it up Friday: the one with Granny and yet another bag

I think I might be the only person who isn't excited it's Friday. Crazy, right?

Since most days are the same whether it's Monday or Saturday, Friday doesn't really mean much. My law student husband doesn't go to school on Saturdays, it's true, but he's going shooting with friends tomorrow so it's really not a day off for me.

I've been sewing lots this past week (when I find a moment), but I've only got one finished, completed, cross-it-off-the-list project to show. But it makes me happy because it's pretty and useful.

I present yet another drawstring bag.

I've had that rainbow fabric for ages and finally put it to use. This bag now contains our Magna-tiles (truly the world's greatest toy and the most popular one at my house). They were stored in ugly gallon-sized Ziplocs and it was making me nuts. So a rainbow drawstring bag came of it.

By the way, order some of those things. If you have lots of kids, order three sets. They are awesome and you'll find yourself playing with them too. My kids make rockets and houses and spaceships and my daughter even made a cuttlefish. Seriously. It was so cool!

My granny squares are all done - hooray! I loved how they turned out and now I'm on to the sashing and bordering and quilting. Love this little quilt already. Someone on flickr commented that it made them crave rainbow sherbet. Didn't think of that when I made it, but I can totally see it!
And my Ruby granny squares - Ruby was a granny, so it makes sense, right? More of these to come when my big girl Ruby charm packs arrive.
I have big plans - I always have big plans. I've got some sashing to do on another quilt and then I'm determined to finish that one, once and for all, and cross it off the list. Wish me luck - and have a great weekend! Any big plans for the holiday?

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. It's going to be an adorable quilt! Great Job with the colors!


  2. Love your new bag & your granny squares. We love our ruby fabric & so glad you do too!
    Whoop Whoop!

  3. Fridays are like that for me, too:)
    That's a great bag and I love the quilt blocks. It does look like sherbet!

  4. Look at those grannie squares, they are wonderful. I think I just might have to give them a try!

  5. I really love your granny squares. I think I'm going to have to make some of those. Your blog is very nice!!

  6. Visiting through Finish it Up Friday...I LOVE the granny squares. I have got to try these!

  7. Great draw string bag - those are so useful for corralling kids toys! And your granny squares quilt is gorgeous - the colors are wonderful! Whoop whoop!!

  8. Hi, nice blog! Love the granny squares quilts. Where can I find a pattern? What size are the blocks unfinished? Thanks!

  9. great Granny Squares!! What color are you sashing them with?


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball