
15 February 2012

WIP Wednesday - the one where I come clean

Deep breath.

I'm coming clean. Warning: longish post!

As I've said before, I've got quilting ADHD. I know it.

I start something full steam ahead. Some projects I finish because I'm super excited about them. Others, I lose interest in. Or it frustrates me.

My goal this year is to finish all this stuff.

As I distracted myself from it all with some granny squares (but I've got 12 done!), I don't know if that will happen.

Still, for you viewing pleasure:

The top shelf

Quilts that make it to the top shelf are done. As in the top is done. They still need to be quilted. A lot of these were pieced while I was finishing my degree at UW. I only had my little Husky back then, so I couldn't quilt them yet. I got my Juki as a graduation present.

Why aren't they all quilted? Well, in my defense, seven have been quilted. And we moved. And my husband started law school. And I had a baby. Some are waiting for my FMQ skills to improve on smaller projects. Stuff like that. But seven is awesome. I'd never counted it up before, so I'm super excited.

So, on the Waiting to be Quilted list:
  • William's R2D2 quilt - just finished this one
  • Holiday Hostess quilt
  • Red/Aqua barn raising quilt
  • Red/Aqua Dutch pinwheels quilt
  • L'Amour quilt #1
  • L'Amour quilt #2 - yep, there are two - maybe they'll be done by next Valentine's day?
  • Dream On orange/pink quilt - I started FMQ this one, but had some serious tension issues, so I'm begrudgingly bonding with my seam ripper
  • Dream On blue/green
  • Double Hourglass Christmas quilt
  • Easy as Cake Christmas quilt
  • Rolling Pins Christmas quilt
  • Love U baby quilt
  • PKM Victory Garden quilt
  • Happy Camper postage stamp quilt
The rest of the shelves:

These are all quilts in various stages - some just need the entire top pieced. Others are in the block stage. Some of these are just "here's the jelly roll and the pattern - start it later" stage.

On the Piecing list:
  • Indian Summer Nine-Patch quilt - working on the borders now
  • Delft Blue Dutch Pinwheels - this one is frustrating me - started piecing it on my Husky - should just finish it on my Husky
  • Yellow/Orange string quilt - the goal is to make this one big enough for my bed - which means I need 20ish more blocks - yeah, a little burnt out on this one for now - I'll pull it out this summer
  • Strawberry pinwheel quilt - finally figured out what I'm going to do with the sashing on this on, so I'm working on that this week - top might be done really soon!
  • Red/Aqua pinwheels - after quilting 2 red/aqua quilts, I'm giving myself a little break from staring at these colors. Still love them. Just need a break
  • Quite Contrary Kaleidoscope - just need to applique the circles onto the blocks then piece the tops.
  • Oh Cherry Oh funky pinwheels - another frustrating one - this time it's my Juki. I just want a high shank 1/4" foot that doesn't have the little guide thing on the side. Is that too much to ask?
  • Christmas string quilt - see yellow/orange string quilt - will work on it when I get some of the others cleared out
  • Sweet Divinity quilt - in the middle of it
  • PKM Dresden plates - that would be the Dresden sweatshop I disappear into from time to time
  • Sunkissed Granny Squares - 12 blocks done!
Quilts in the Prepped Stage:
  • Cowboy Nieces and Nephews baby quilt - cut - just need to be pieced
  • Cowgirl Saltwater Taffy quilt - cut - just needs to be pieced
  • Ready Set Snow Matchbox quilts - yep, two of them - cut and ready
  • Christmas Tree quilt - cut and ready
  • Halloween zig zag
And quilts in the Design Stage:
  • Richard Scarry quilts for the boys
  • Max and Whiskers quilt
  • Oh Cherry Oh Dottie quilts
  • Strawberry Fields quilt
  • Twirl quilt
  • PKM Good morning quilt
  • PKM pinwheel quilt
  • Spiderweb quilt
  • Ruby flannel bed quilt

There you have it. My before pictures, kinda like people who are serious about weight loss and they take the before picture. I'm hoping in six months time my after picture is "slimmer."

Oh, and this is just quilts. Don't get me started on the girl dresses, husband jammies, bags, etc. And it is all interrupted regularly by: a hungry baby girl, a stuffed animal in need of emergency stitches, and dinner prep.

Wish me luck! Feels good to confess. Brownies for those who read the whole thing!

Linking up:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. You've got your work "cut out" for you (hehe). Good luck with all of your projects!

  2. I'm glad you got that off your chest! Really...making the list is half the battle, right?!? Good luck with all of that happy sewing!

  3. Funny. I've certainly been there. Recently sold a bunch of my stash to a new quilter, unburdened myself, kept a few favorites and am now trying to get after my quilting projects an hour a day (my daughter's suggestion). Daughters are so wise. An hour is so do-able. Have fun!

  4. yummm, brownies! ;) good luck with your WIP list! I'd really love to get mine down to no more than two in the works at the same time, but I'm not sure that will happen this decade :)


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball