
30 March 2012

Finish it up Friday: the one with lots of rain

I'm not going to complain about the rain. I love it.

Gene Kelly and I are crazy like that. He's crazier than I am though. He's out dancing in it. I'm just inside making awesome soup and rolls.

Rain makes me think of Christmas. I spent my childhood on the Southern Oregon coast, so it was always raining at Christmas. Well, it was always raining, but that's not the point. Rain = Christmas.

So I made myself a couple little Christmas, er, late birthday gifts.

I didn't need a new bag. I certainly didn't need two. But need vs. want are two different things. And this Now We're Goin' Places print and I were MFEO (movie reference - do you know it?). My first car, the one I bought for myself, was a 1973 VW Superbeetle. Orange.

Yeah, I love this fabric.
And my poor little smartphone (did I have a dumb phone before?) needed a protective covering. So she got one too. Tutorial/pattern found here, although you should measure your phone first and adjust accordingly. I didn't and now my daughter has version 1.0.

And I'm loving this pattern - the Bow Tucks Tote. Might be my new favorite. And it has pockets. Glorious pockets. For keys and gum and phones and pens and fishy crackers and, well, you get the idea.

I like it so much I made another in some of my favorite Pam Kitty Morning prints. A matching cell phone sleeve is forthcoming because, well, it HAS to match. Silly.

There may or may not be another one in the works. Okay, there is, in more PKM (blues and yellows). It's darling and almost done. These bags are super fast. The instructions are very clear with good illustrations so you don't get lost. And one will be designated my playdate project bag so I can take some embroidery or crochet along to playdates to keep my hands busy while we chat - win win for me. I can't stand just sitting. Can't do it.

I'm up to 50 Dresdens now. No end in sight, but I can get 10 done in one day and wipe my weekly goal off the list. This stack makes me a little lightheaded, they're so pretty.
And I'm up to 30 Sew Cherry granny squares. I think I need something like 56 or a hundred. Can't remember. But these are fun and the challenge of mixing up the colors and not making the same block twice is good for my brain.
Tomorrow is a cutting day - listening to General Conference (see previous post for explanation if you need one) and cutting out a whole bunch o' fabric for several different projects.

Linking up with crazy mom quilts again (love her log cabin pillow - my couch needs some pillow goodness like these), and Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Sarah has some lovely feedsack blocks and a quilt top up for auction (proceeds to benefit her quilt ministry). If that's your schtick, check it out!

Have a lovely weekend. If you have sunshine, be sure to be grateful for it and think of my soggy self (who might get sick of it if I don't see the sun soon).


  1. Wow, that is a lot of granny squares - and more to come?!? Amazing! It's such a cool block (& on my to-do list)

  2. Loving those granny squares!!! Lots of great projects :o)

  3. the VW fabric is awesome - it makes a fun looking bag! I think a playdate tote sounds like a great idea. and a fine excuse to make another pretty tote :)

  4. Wow so many goodies here. I LOVE your grannie squares.

  5. Ha! MFEO = Made For Each Other...Sleepless in Seattle, right?
    Love your bags and that VW fabric is especially adorable!
    And the granny em! I'm feeling the bug to do some of those!
    We're in the rain, like you. I love it too...just feels cozy and homey to be inside while it's raining. I'm making chili tonight!

  6. So I don't know where to start! I completely loved this post!!! I had an orange 74 Super Beetle that my brother now has but he has since painted it blue! It was our dad's. I guess we can't get rid of it. I can't fit all of my kids in it though :) I love your bags! And your Dresdens! and your Grannies'! Your fabrics are my favorites! Can I come raid your stash???

  7. I love these bags and that stack of dresdens makes me want to stop all current projects and make dresdens instead! Beautiful work.

  8. Love your granny squares!

  9. Made For Each Other - Sleepless In Seattle! And apparently fabric and you are MFEO - you've got such pretty things on your blog today!!! Thanks for the shoutout about the auction, too. Whoop whoop!!

  10. Jennie,
    I just selected your blog for the Liebster Award!! Go check out my latest blog post for the details!

  11. Those Granny Squares are awesome - those are on my list for April. I love the colors you chose.

  12. im really loving those granny squares. the colors are awsome!!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball