
23 March 2012

Finish it up Friday: the one without an official finish

But 14 Granny squares all done is something to celebrate, no?

I'm liking these old girls. They are just sweet, not only to look at but to sew as well. My husband has already been warned that this quilt will go on our bed. He's cool with it. Doesn't care much so long as he's warm.

And I did find my motivation. Turns out sleep helps - who knew?

I started a bag. I will finish the blasted thing by next Friday if it kills me (and it just might, so my husband might have to blog it for me which might be interesting). And my little cell phone sleeping bag turned out to be too small. So I'm remaking that as well.

Not a bad week, all things considered.

Linking up with crazy mom quilts, who has a fun quilt top done this week!


  1. Beautiful grannies! I'm loving all the colour combinations people are using!

  2. Darling grannies indeed!

  3. I love the colors as well! Definitely bright and cheery!

  4. I love these grannies!

  5. I love your granny squares! I think I want to make a second granny square quilt. They are really fun and your colors are gorgeous!

  6. I love your grannies! The colors and dots are great.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball