
16 April 2012

Make-A-List Monday Week Four, the evening edition

Oh, the plans we make!

I didn't consult with this little missy when I made my over-the-top ambitious plans last week.

All six months of her cute self is currently miserably cutting two teeth, conquering crawling and not napping. Makes for an unhappy baby and an unhappy mama.

Who, me?

I did get a few things done. Mr. Law Student was kind enough to make sure I regained some sanity. He's awesome like that. And what time he couldn't give me I snuck in where I could. Even if it was 10 p.m. and I only finished one block. Still makes me feel good.

See, this is my list I post next to my sewing machine. So sewing one block means I get to "X" off one block. It's nice that way.

On to progress!
  • Sew 16 Sew Cherry granny squares

More on this one below. But I love.
  • Sew 17 PKM pinwheels

Yes indeedy, all done!
  • Sew 10 Dresden plates

Um, if there were a stove in my sewing room, these would be on the back burner. Zippo progress on these girls. Like I said, I was distracted this week.

  • Cut and sew sashing for granny squares top

Cut, sashed and CUTE! Had to enlist my 6 foot 2, eyes of blue Law Student to take a picture of this baby. She's big! With the borders, she'll be perfect for my bed. Now I have to come up with some pillow shams/cases.

  • Cut and sew sashing for PKM pinwheels top - I've cut the sashing, but I'm debating on a few things - Should I put squares in there, or mini pinwheels (I'm just crazy enough to sew 20 of 'em) - thoughts are welcome!
  • Plan border for granny squares top

If browsing around flickr counts as planning, then yes, yes I did plan. I like this border, this border, and this border. Equally. For different reasons. The second and third ones maybe just a smidgen more, only because I still have quite a few squares left, but those could always go to make a pillow shams. Thoughts? Votes?

I totally forgot to mention this, but this is another distraction that arrived on Friday afternoon:

That would be 280 color wheel charm squares, with some black, grey and white thrown in. I know, gorgeous, right?

So if you are interested in a stack of your own, I've just joined another one (because let's face it, two of those stacks would be so much better!). There's still quite a few spots. It's five yards of brights - no batiks or solids or pastels. My kind o' swap. Come and play. You will not regret it!

On to this week's goals. I'm keeping it simple:

  • Sew together pinwheel top
  • Cut fabric for pinwheel top and granny square borders

That's it. Just two this time!

What's on your list for this week?

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"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball