
14 May 2012

Make-a-List Monday Week 6: back on track

Sometimes it's a good thing to set small goals. Then you can get them done, right?

I finished piecing the top for my yellow and orange string quilt. I love it. And, compliment of all compliments, my husband said he really liked it too. WOW!

Here's the best shot I could get of the top. It's been pleasantly breezy lately, but that makes for challenging quilt top photos.

And I got a couple of blocks done for my red Christmas string quilt. I've only got until August to get this baby finished, so I've got to get crackin'.

I'm keeping it manageable this week. My law student heads to Seattle tomorrow for his internship, so I'm on my own for a long while. This week is for settling in to our new routine, which will include a daily Skype session so baby girl doesn't forget what her papa looks like.

But here are my manageable goals:

1. Ship my color wheel charms

2. Sew seven red Christmas string blocks

3. Pick out the quilting on my Dream On quilt

4. Plow through the cutting list

The cutting list is longish, but it's prep work for future projects. I do my cutting on the kitchen counter - it's higher and easier on my back. And now that baby girl is mobile, I have to make sure that the kids remember to keep the stairs blocked and the screen door closed. We don't need her tumbling down either set of stairs. So this keeps me central and in the middle of the madness.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for Skype! It comes in very handy for business trips. The kids think it is the greatest thing. They were excited to get their call every day.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball