
09 May 2012

WIP Wednesday: a big quilt and a little obsession

I think there needs to be a support group called Charm Swappers Anonymous.

I'll be a founding member. I've only been a swapper for a couple of months, but I can see where this is headed. I'm headed to Hoarders: The Fabric Edition someday.

My first was a color spectrum swap. 5 yards.

Yah, that's 280 charms. It was fun and a great learning experience. One of the things I learned is that I definitely have different taste in fabric than others. I knew this, but when the ugly (according to me, of course) fabric is staring up at me and I'm wondering what on earth I'm ever going to use it for, I learned it more tangibly.

My second was an aqua/red charm swap. Just a 1/2 yard of each. I'm still waiting for this one to arrive. Soon though. These are the two I sent in:

Then I found a color wheel charm swap that was brights only. No batiks. No solids. No pastels. My kind o' swap. 5 yards again. This time, because there wasn't enough response, I signed up for two colors, so I'm going to be getting 560 charms. Think I'll have enough for a rainbow quilt for my daughter? Kidding. More like 3 or 4.

I'm on my last one. An I-spy swap. Two yards of two different fabrics. One boy, one girl. Here are the two I'm sending in for this one:

I want to make a big I-spy quilt (or two) for camping trips so we have something to do in the evenings inside the yurts. Yep, yurts. We're yurt campers. But I digress. I think I'll host an I-spy charm swap in June.

So that's my obsession.

But I'm okay with it.

On to fun things.

My string quilt top is done done done (but you get this picture because it's a Winds-day out there and I can't get a good picture inside).

I'll piece the back later and get batting next month for it.

I'm thinking of taking the rest of those scraps and making some scrappy triangles (for a throw pillow), or a few pillows like this, or this. Or what about a quilt like this one? Or a quilt like this one? I have to say I'm leaning towards the plain stripes as pillow shams.

I've also got plans for the big Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway coming up on the 21st.

It's such a fun week, visiting new blogs and crossing fingers I win something. I've got some fun stuff on order for it. Might look something like this:

I figured I ought to give away things I'd want to win. And no fiery hoops to jump through. Can I say that I dislike that intensely? Tweeting and following and liking and doing all that sort of thing should be voluntary. I love followers, but I love that my followers chose to be followers because they like my blog, not because they might win something. It's like bribing people to be your friends. Not for me.

Linking up!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

See you on Friday!


  1. The first quilt I made was an I spy quilt. A swap would have made it much less expensive!

  2. Your string quilt is stunning. The colors are SO pretty! Is has really inspired me! : ) Also love your fabric choices for your swap.

  3. So wish I knew about the red and aqua swap!! That string is quilt is on my bucket list. Yours says summer. I adore the orange!! I get you about the tastes in fabric, but a mix of it all and you won't notice the 'uglies'!

  4. I'd love to get into some charm swaps, but they are really hard to get into. Still loving the yellow and orange string quilt!

  5. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who has gone charm swap crazy! Makes me feel a bit better about my ever growing piles.....

  6. WoW! Where do you find out about all the fabric swaps? I'd love to try a couple. I did a vintage bed sheet fq one that was a lot of fun. But the organizer contacted me.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball