
10 September 2012

Make-A-List Monday: more like make excuses Monday!

Does it make you crazy when you don't get things done? When there are delays (out of your control), messes (sometimes out of your control), and mess-ups (totally my fault)?

I got things done, just not much to show for it. I got my kids signed up for swimming lessons (more complicated than you think, but I didn't want to waste sewing hours sitting at the pool). I made dinner for a very pregnant friend so she didn't have to cook. I did other stuff.

Here's what was on my list for last week:
  • Piece the red Minky back for my son's R2D2 quilt (as soon as that *#%& fabric arrives)
The fabric did not arrive. The rest of the fabric in that order arrived, but the Minky was missing. Still not response from Getting super frustrated, and my oldest son is asking hourly when his quilt will be done. Sigh. I don't like disappointing my kids.
  • Baste his quilt
  • Figure out how the heck I'm going to quilt it (maybe I should do that while I wait!)
Obviously these did not get done as well.
  • Finish thread catcher and sewing mat for Sewing Buddy challenge
Now here's a kicker - I ordered some piping on etsy. It shipped from South Africa (yeah, missed that part). Even though it shipped from halfway around the world, it STILL got here before the order did. I didn't get to work on these, so I'll do them this week now that I have the piping.
  • Sew up project bags for Sewing Buddy challenge
Didn't feel like it. Again, on this week's list.
  • Cut out bodice for my daughter's dresses
Done. Two dresses, cut out and ready to sew. This week? Maybe.
  • Cut binding for string quilt and R2D2 quilt
Done. Sewed them together too, so they are all ready to go!

  • Cut and sew library bag for my little Superman

At least one child is happy this week. Now we have to go to the library so he can fill up his bag!

Okay, on to this week:
  • Finish threadcatcher, sewing mat and sewing machine cover
  • Finish project bags
  • Quilt and bind one of my finished Christmas quilts (might as well be doing something, right?)
  • Finish at least one of the dresses for my daughter
There. That's all I'm shooting for. That's enough, right?

Wishing you a wonderfully productive week.


  1. I never get near enough done on my weekly to-do list so kudos for making even small progress! I once accidentally ordered fabric from China on Etsy. Whoops. Next time I will look at the "ships from" section instead of just looking at the pretty pictures.

  2. I have generally had good experiences with, but one order was a real disaster. I suggest calling them via the toll free number on their website. Also check your junk mail to be sure that you didn't receive an email from them notifying you that the minky is no longer available. The fabric from my order kept disappearing and it was super frustrating. They eventually cut my order price in half (which wasn't the point, I was more annoyed on principal than about the price) but it required getting on the phone and speaking to a customer service manager. The first person I spoke to was very nice, but not really able to make any decisions. Good luck!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball