
24 October 2012

WIP Wednesday: Can't Help Myself

My Weekender pattern arrived Monday afternoon. It completely derailed any logical plans from that point on.

As I've been waiting for it to arrive (like, for three WHOLE days!), I've been drooling over all the awesome bags out there, like this one, or this one, or this one. I've got serious Weekender bag envy. I MUST have a patchwork one.

So I bought some duck cloth at JoAnn's Monday on the way to swimming lessons (multi-tasker, that's me!). And I cut it out Monday night. And I might have forgotten to baste that Halloween zig zag quilt as I got lost in the piecing of my bag.

Um, hi, is this not awesome? I know, humble much Jennie? (If you don't like it, don't tell me. It's like telling a mother she has an ugly baby. Not cool. Or true. Every mother has a beautiful baby.)

I don't have the material yet for the lining. Or the piping. But I just had to piece these panels. It had to be done. Didn't it? Tell me it had to be done, please.

Okay, and I completely cut out my "plain" ones (as plain as bright pink dandelions and London umbrellas can get!).

Off to quilt that zig zag quilt. Ya know, before Halloween is over!

Linking up!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. It is awesome!!! I have my materials but am having a terrible time trying to find the pattern! Everyone I've ordered has ended up being out of stock!

  2. I guess I need to go find a weekender bag pattern . . . that is some awesome patchwork!!!

  3. Your bag looks fantastic to me! Great mix of colors and patterns.

  4. It's very "Cath Kidston" and it's going to be gorgeous! I won't even let myself consider purchasing that pattern...not until I work through my mile-long to-do list!

  5. Your bag is going to be beautiful when it is finished, looking forward to seeing it, I just became a follower. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Alright...You talked me into it. I'll go buy the pattern because yours is going to be seriously awesome!!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball