
09 June 2014

Make-A-List Monday: Serious derailing going on over here!

I have a litany of excuses.
  1. It's summer. We're focused on popsicles, pools, parks and books. Oh, and mowing the lawn, washing swimsuits every night, stocking said popsicles, not wanting to cook, driving to and from libraries and parks.
  2. I got a little myopic with the family history this week. I think I got bummed that I wasn't going to be finishing a quilt anytime soon, so I redirected my passion. BOY did I ever! Loving doing family history. Love that the records are being indexed and I can search for long lost family members in Prussia from 300 years ago. It's awesome!
  3. And I started indexing myself. Y'all, this is fun stuff!
So just remember those excuses, and don't judge when you see how much I've accomplished from last week.

My list:
  • Cut the background squares for my Dresdens - I did do this! Yay for me!
  • Trace circles onto fabric and sew - Friday I got focused and got this one done too.
  • Figure sashing for the Dresden and cut it and sew it together - didn't happen. I'm going to use gingham, but I want it to be cut straight, so this so going to take some concentration, i.e. the kids need to be at Nana's for a couple of hours so I don't screw this up!

  • Still, not too shabby. And I did make more cake slices! Here's all nine of them:

    Did you do some guessing on my Thursday post? If you guess the most correct flavors, you'll get a four slice mini of your own! How do you like them apples, er, cake slices?

    Okay, as for this week:
    • Begin the appliqueing of all those Dresdens
    • Clean the sewing room!
    That's it. That's all you're getting from me! I might do some other things, and we're going to start my daughter's rainbow quilt this week, but otherwise, I'm keeping the list short and sweet.

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    "The more things you do, the more you can do."

    Lucille Ball