
17 July 2014

Designer Thursday: During Quiet Time

Guess what? It's my anniversary today. Not that we've got plans. We're twelve days from the bar exam, so I'm not entirely sure I have a husband. There's this guy who leaves early in the morning and comes home after I'm in bed, and he looks familiar. But I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing lots of him come August 1st!

Also, if you haven't already, go check out my new Monday linky party: Color Mondays. Every Monday, I'm going to post a color, or inspiration. You find a picture, make a color palette, blog it and link it. It's fun!

Now, if there was ever any doubt I had a thing for hexies, well, this should put it to rest.

Love this little pencil pouch. Directions were clear. Oh how we need more patterns with clear instructions. It was a little challenging, but a little challenge is a good thing every now and again, wouldn't you say?

Designed by Amy Friend over at During Quiet Time, it's just too cute. And, as usual, she allows you, the small independent sewer, to sell items made from her patterns. All she asks is that you credit her for the design. Lovely, lovely person, don't ya think?

Now, her Etsy shop is not overflowing with cute little bag patterns.

Nope. Paper piecing is the name of the game, and I'm in love.

My favorites:
The Vintage Bathing Suit (I need one in red gingham, aqua polka dots . . .)

The Cardinal - I need to make one for my bird-loving auntie

Garden Boot - I'll need two yellow ones please. And aqua polka dots.

I really love this one:

And a gorgeous quilt pattern called Indie Vibrations

Are you sold yet?

How's about a giveaway? Amy has generously offered one of you up to $15 in free patterns. That could be 2-3 free patterns! How awesome is that? Head over to her etsy shop and tell me your favorite pattern(s). I won't force you to choose just one, since I couldn't!

Giveaway runs through midnight next Wednesday, July 23. I'll choose a winner and post it Thursday morning. Good luck! And get yourself this hexie pouch pattern. It's too adorable!


  1. Happy anniversary! I hope you at least get to see him today. It's got to be rough but you are so close! That sure is a fun shop. Paper piecing stresses me out but I do love several of her patters. My favorites were the Rouched Happy Bag, the Hexipouch, and the Spinning Wheel quilt pattern.

  2. Oh my gosh that hexie case is too cute!! Love that pattern and the ruffle happy bag!

  3. Happy Anniversary! My favorite patterns were the Cardinal and the hexipouch! Both are so cute!

  4. I love them all but the dragonfly would make a very special present for a friend who is crazy about them.

  5. my favorites are the hexiecase & the Indie Vibrations quilt pattern :)

  6. Hope you had a great anniversary. Having sat for the Bar I can sympathize with your husband and my husband can sympathize with you!! Paper piecing is my new favorite way to piece, I can't get enough. I loved the flip flop cause we live at the beach and the wellie garden boot because my garden is one of my favorite places.

  7. I love the flip flops, cardinal and dragonfly! all her patterns are adorable. thanks for introducing her to us. I'm adding her esty sop to my favorites :-).

  8. I love Amy's work....their are a Cole of her patterns on my wish list....I actually found your lovely blog through her.

  9. Lots to choose from. Love the dragonfly and pussy willows. Have a great weekend.

  10. How can I choose? Pretty much all the gardening ones, for my MIL. Or the flip flops. Or the bathing suit...and sea make a beach set for me.

  11. Oh, so difficult to decide, but I think my favorite pattern on Amy's etsy shop is her Spinning Wheel Quilt pattern. She is so clever and talented! I love the colors she chose for that quilt. It's so fresh and inspiring. Thank you for introducing me to her etsy shop!

  12. Such cute patterns! I really like the Swimsuit pattern as well as the Picnic Blanket and Indie Vibrations quilts!

  13. I really love the cardinal. I have several folks I could make this for. But that Indie Vibrations quilt.... fabulous!

  14. Dragonfly! Turtle! Seed packets! So much cute! Thanks for the chance to win.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball