
01 September 2014

Color Mondays: Episode Disney

We have stunning favorites!

Stacey's Abandoned Thread - I'm really starting to fall for Kona Lupine, Plum, and Valentine

Katie's Tinkerbell panel - I totally get how frustrating it can be to find coordinating prints for some fabrics. Explaining "Neverland" can be tough! And Kona Tulip? I'm sold!

I totally lied to you. I really did. I'd like to say I'm sorry, but I'm not even a little sorry. I did try to find another Disney picture, and I did (it's down there at the bottom). But Frozen is just IT for me. So I apologize for the Frozoverload today!

If ever there was a doubt that I have a thing for Frozen, this should smash it to bits.

It's bad, I know.

But look at all those colors? All the Aqua, and Pool, and Ice Frappe!

Then they throw in Violet and Orchid.

Pink? A little bit is okay.

I tried to not do it. I really did. See, I did this one from Up:

But I gotta stick with my girl Elsa.

Now it's your turn. Find a pic of your favorite Disney still. Tangled has some great color, as does Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, the Little Mermaid. And it doesn't have to involve a princess, or an ice queen. Only mine do. Have fun!

And I'm taking a one week break, but the week after (Sept. 15), we'll be doing vintage. Anything goes. Vintage cars, clothes, kitchens. Frozen will have to be retired. No way I can call it vintage.

1 comment:

"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball