
28 September 2014

What I've been working on!

It sure seems like I haven't done a whole much sewing lately. So. Not. True.

I pulled this ancient WIP out the other day and started stitching - Apple Core Quilt!:

This will make a fun baby quilt for a friend.

I also finished my first two quilt designs - Make It Do with Horizon fabric, and Something New with Miss Kate fabric:

Those blocks have now been stitched into quilts and life is good. Just need to get them quilted and out there.

I'm also working on some Weekenders, and doll dresses. I'm a little frazzled right now. Really feel like I need to get some organization back in my life.


  1. love the apple cores - the other pics aren't coming through :(

  2. apple core is one of my favs

  3. The apple core will be a great baby quilt, and I'm looking forward to seeing your other projects.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball