
31 October 2014

Friday Finish: Babe, Hobbes, and a Hobo Bag

Lest you think all I ever sew are bags and quilts, let me assure you. I get requests for things all the time from my kids. Slippers, scarves, hats, nightgowns. This year, Halloween costumes weren't decided until the 11th hour. Not like a few years ago where I worked for a full MONTH on this Iridessa costume:

You can't see it, but there are a lot of little petals on that waist. And the fabric was slippery. This is why I stick with cotton!

But this year, I had a Paul Bunyan. And he had to have a Babe:

And I had a Johnny Appleseed, who needed a burlap sack for his seeds:

And then there's Calvin, who wouldn't be Calvin without a Hobbes:

It's been a busy week of sewing, but I got them all done in time for trick-or-treating.


  1. Great costumes! I got a last minute idea to sew drawstring treat bags for the trick-or-treaters. Good thing I live in a small town.

  2. Awesome and so original. We were able to make do with what we had this year. :)

  3. Love the Johnny Appleseed! He is my great great great great great great great Uncle John Chapman!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball