
30 December 2017

Spelling Bee Saturday: the letter j

Good morning! It's my turn on the calendar for my Spelling Bee Saturday. This week is the letter j. Not J. Just j.

I'm pretty sure I went through a phase of writing my name in all lower case letters. 8th grade, maybe?


If you've made blocks from this book, then you know they are a cinch. Crazy easy. Took me 10 minutes, once I chose the fabric.

I'll be making this into a Christmas word pillow. joy? jolly? jingle? How ambitious am I?

I'm also going to make a big crossword puzzle/scrabble thing with all my kids' names. I'm excited!


  1. Beautiful J! Mine were done first thing this morning...

  2. Just found your blog and was excited when I read this post about the scrabble/name quilt you are going to make. I designed one that I hope to get finished this year. It was a struggle to get all the names on it. 2 children plus spouses, 13 grandchildren - 5 with spouses and 8 great grandchildren plus mine and our last name. They are great to make. Good luck with yours.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball