
27 August 2012

Make-A-List Monday: Taking Names!

 Don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I'm not a huge fan of wildfires.

No, we don't have one here, but we're getting all the smoke. It reminds me of when I was living in SoCal and pregnant with my first. The fires were so bad that year that they shut down San Diego. Breathing was difficult. Just praying for those fighting all these fires. Praying for rain. Praying for safety. Not only do the firefighters have to deal with, well, fire, they also have to worry about things like snakes. Not my idea of fun.

Even with the poor air quality, this girl is on fire getting things done (okay, I couldn't help myself!).

What were my goals from last week?

Bind those two lap quilts.

Quilt and bind that Christmas quilt.

That was it? Really? I must still be in summer mode when making plans because I kicked some tail and took some names.

Not only did I get those lap quilts done, and the Christmas quilt done, I basted and started quilting this toddler quilt for my baby girl.

And I only barely got distracted by the arrival of some fun Halloween fabric. Distracted enough that I forgot to take a picture of the whole stack before I started sorting it. Sorry.

I'm making trick or treat bags using Ayumi's tutorial. But I'm forcing myself to wait until October to work on these. I've got other projects to finish first.

So, here's the list for this week:
  • Finish toddler quilt.
  • Get distracted by packages arriving in the mail.
  • Cut and sew a Superman library bag for my littlest guy.
  • Cut fabric, interfacing and fusible fleece for sewing machine cover and table mat.
  • Cut more Lucy triangles (when fabric arrives).
  • Sew up my project bags for the Sewing Buddy challenge.
  • Cut out dresses for my oldest girl. Using this pattern, and I'm so excited for it.
I'll stop there. We'll see how far I get. You'll know I'm getting things done if you see me posting finishes every day this week. I have to blog my 3Q FAL finishes separately, so don't hate me for all those finishes that are forthcoming.

What's on your list this week? Do you have little ones heading back to school? We started our lessons last Monday and are in a pretty good routine. I'm tweaking it as I go along (isn't that how life works?), but I'm liking our schedule.

Have a fantastic and productive week!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh Halloween fabric. Can't wait to see what you do with it! : )


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball