
14 September 2012

Friday Finish: Almost a week early!

Happy Friday everyone! It would be a happier Friday for me if it weren't for all the smoke in the air. We're sort of surrounded by wildfires and controlled field burns right now - nothing close to cause much more than breathing problems for us. We keep the house closed up, which means it's stifling at the moment (curse the twats who didn't put in A/C). I'm a fresh air girl, and me no likey.

Poor kids are bored, so I've lifted the mid-week movie rule (after school lessons and piano practice). While they watch, I sew.

My Sewing Buddy and I fared pretty well the last go 'round and I'd like us to do even better this time around. This time, color is the assignment. We could coordinate things like skirts and blouses, or simply choose a color palette that suits us both and create our own projects. We chose yellow and turquoise, although I went with more aqua-tones, but they'll fit. Nicole, my buddy, has created some long overdue kitchen accessories (super cute potholders) and an apron is forthcoming, which I can't wait for.

I've been needing a sewing machine cover for oh so long, and when I saw this pattern, I knew it was perfect. Loved the sewing machine mat, and the thread catcher is going to be my basting pin catcher instead. I loved the patchwork, as well as the handstitching and buttons and twill measuring tape ribbon. Loved it all.

I'll save the big picture for the big reveal next week, but here are the close up teaser shots:

I won't link up today because I don't have the big finish picture up yet. And I've got a wall hanging that might get worked in, so there could be more to the mix. For once, I just want to sit and look at my covered up sewing machine.

Aw, heck, I'll link up to Sarah's blog anyway. I feel like whooping it up that this is finished!


  1. Eeek...I love this!! The bright yellow and aqua - yum! Please tell me where you found the twill measuring tape - I.must.have! Heehee - I let my kids watch tv or play video games when I want to sew, too :) Whoop it up - you've earned it.

  2. Looks cute. My daughter has been talking about wanting to make a sewing machine cover for her machine also. Which of course means one day I will get pressured to make one for my own machine.

  3. Oh no, I am totally dragging down the team on this challenge! That sewing machine cover is absolutely incredible. Okay, have to go try to improve my half of our entry... :)

  4. Whoop whoop! Love your choice of colours, the pattern (as far as the sneak peek shows), the measuring tape and your piping. Just about everything of it. Looking forward to seeing the cover uncovered ;o)
    Great job!!!

  5. Oh that is amazing!! I'm so glad you decided to link up - you may finally inspire me to make a cover for my own machine!!! Whoop whoop!!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball