
15 October 2012

Make-A-List Monday: all is well!

No more about the Great Minky Fiasco. Promise. Well, an update. My replacement fabric will arrive by Friday.

My list for last week:
  • Piece Halloween zig zag top
Done. Love how it turned out. I had a bunch of leftover HSTs from piecing the single color zig zags. Since I really didn't know what I wanted to do with them, and I wanted the quilt a wee bit wider, I made a wonky mismatched strip. What the heck, right? And I put it dead center instead of trying to hide it on the side. My kids won't care, and I kinda like it.

  • Piece spider web top
Not done. Laid it out on the floor and didn't like how small it's going to be. Picked it up and am now trying to figure out how to make it bigger!
  • Cut and sew five candy corn pillowcases for my little monsters
Done. I used this tutorial and I'm happy with how they turned out. My three biggest kids have giant pillows, so I had to make some adjustments. I'm glad I figured these out so I can make some Christmas ones too.

  • Piece red minky back for the R2D2 quilt (yes, I actually got my hands on some!)
Done and basted. I had to move my couch in order to baste it. But knowing that gives me enough space, I know I can get my monster string quilt basted as well. Getting started on the quilting first thing.

  • Piece orange minky back for zig zag quilt
With the L-shaped minky piece, that would be a no. But the new stuff is coming - should be here by Friday.
  • Piece red minky back for Easy as Cake quilt
Didn't have enough for the two red minky backed quilts, so this is on hold. Although is having a sale on minky - $9.74 per yard, plus free shipping over $35. I just ordered the minky to finish six quilts. I'm a little giddy over here.
  • Take pictures for 4Q FAL post (tomorrow!) - which also means doing a lot of ironing for said pictures
Done and the post is here.

I did things that weren't on the list when I couldn't do other things. Do you do that? In frustration, I glanced at my never-ending to-do list, picked something that looked like fun (and it was) and jumped in, feet first.

So I got my trick-or-treat bags done well before Halloween. I blogged them on Friday if you want to see.

We postponed little missy's birthday party until everyone is feeling better. And until I can sanitize every surface of the house. I'm Queen of the Clorox Wipes these days.

But I do have a list for this week:
  • Piece the orange minky into a back
  • Quilt R2D2 quilt
  • Bind R2D2 quilt
  • Baste zig zag quilt
  • Make a mug rug for someone special
  • Make myself a sleep mask using this tutorial
  • Get my daughter started on her cross-stitch project
There. If I get any more ambitious, I'll start quilting the zig zag quilt. Maybe. I'm thinking of really living on the edge and using orange thread, if I can find it. Wouldn't that be wild? Okay, wild for me.

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"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball