
03 March 2014

Make-A-List Monday: Churning out Churn Dash blocks

Hey! Where have I been?!

Prepping for a road trip. Changing plans. Taking five kids on a mom and dad only trip. Barfing kids in the car. Flat tire in the middle o' nowhere (thank goodness for kind Mormon farmers who stop and help). Tried to check into the wrong hotel. Baby slipped in tub and split her chin open.

That was Friday.

Saturday, we braved the Children's Museum and Ikea and survived. Make it home by 10 p.m. Saturday night.

And now I'm back. But I'm in a sewing slump. I've lost my sew-jo. I'm not totally drawn to the sewing room. I don't have any drive. I'm actually doing housework. What is wrong with me?!

I'm working on these beauties, and I'm excited about it, but, well, it's just not there right now. I know I'm going to love this quilt when I get done with it. For now, I just want these blocks done.

I think it's because I want to finish something. Not finish a quilt top (although that would be nice too). Finish a whole entire quilt. I want some longarm time! That's the one and only thing on my wishlist for my birthday (in two weeks!). I just want some time to quilt. I'm thinking if my husband gives me a day, and maybe the MIL gives me a few hours, I might be able to knock out two or three. Four easy ones for sure. It would be SO nice to get some finished.

The amazing SIL is headed out of town again at the end of March. If I could get my kids to be good, maybe they could watch a few movies while I quilted? And I could go back after they'd gone to bed at night and get in a few hours. Whatcha think? Worth asking for?

In the meantime, I'm working on this stuff this week:
  • Celebrate the law student's birthday (that's today!): made his favorite breakfast (English pancakes), his favorite dinner (garlic chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli), and his favorite cake (German chocolate!)
  • Finish churn dash blocks (I've got 25 to go)
  • Work on Happy Go Lucky Touch of Whimsy blocks (oops, started those in September at Sewing Summit - was that really six months ago?)
That's all. Maybe do something else. I'm dying for spring to get here!


  1. Sorry to hear you had such a crazy trip. Barfing kids and cars are not a good combo, and I have had a little one injured away from home too. Glad you could make it to Ikea, though.

    I hope you get your sew-Jo back soon. ;) Finishing things is such a good feeling. Quilting time is my wish, too.

  2. Oh wow. I remember those days! Poor sick kiddies. Hope the rest of the week looks better

  3. Oh dear! Hope baby's chin's ok, that you find your sew-Jo, that you get some long arm time and spring arrives soon :)

  4. Sounds like weekends away for our family, but we have just three kids. The middle one barfs from car sickness nearly every long trip. Hope you got to arrange some quilting time/baby sitting time.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball