
30 April 2014

WIP Wednesday: The Ruby flimsy, part one

Okay, I got this girl laid out and then stitched together (when you're only stitching sashing strips with squares, it goes quickly).

I still need a border, and I have enough Ruby squares to do one just like the one I did on my Sew Cherry Grannies quilt.

But then I really like this postage stamp border from Lori Holt's Quilty Fun sampler quilt:

(if you click on the link, you will go to Lori's post and she gives the PDF with instructions on how to make this border!)

What to do, what to do? I love them both! There is one compelling argument in favor of doing the border I've already done: I already have the fabric. If I did the postage stamp border, I'd have to buy more fabric!

Things to think about! Linking up!


  1. While Lori's border is cute. I personally like the one you already did. It is just a bonus that it uses what you have. :)

  2. "I WANT A GRANNY SQUARE AND I WANT IT NOW!" in my best Veruca Salt voice:) Beautiful job!!!

  3. Your quilt is beautiful. I'd use the fabric that you have.

  4. Beautiful! I also vote for using the fabric you already have :)

  5. I love Lori's quilt; the border is very cute as well, but I love the whole quilt. I haven't seen this one before. Thanks for sharing.

    I'd border your quilt with fabric you already have, but then I haven't bought any new fabric in double digit months. ..::happy dance::..

  6. Oh I love your quilt! I prefer the border you did in the sew cherry granny.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball