
24 May 2014

Hey! It's ME!

Okay, we're friends, right?

And friends can share awesome things they are over-the-moon excited about, right?

Because lil' old me got nominated for Viewer's Choice over at the Blogger's Quilt Festival!

Yep. My Scrappy Trip girl is in the running! Y'all, I'm so excited!

Okay, so go vote. Not for me (unless you really love me!), but someone at least. And vote in the categories (I'm in the large group - haha!). There are some seriously awesome quilts out there. I'm always in love with the ROYGBIV quilts. I really need to make one.


  1. Congrats. Your quilt is lovely

  2. Love this quilt - btw browsed your blog - you are CRAZY with all the quilts you get done. So impressed and inspired to run downstairs and sew my day away! Beautiful quilts!

  3. Congrats on the nomination. It is so exciting and we all celebrate with you.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball