
13 May 2014

Whoa, wait, where'd she go?

Like I said before, I'm stepping back.

I cranked out four dresses and one skirt last week for my young ladies. Pictures to come.

Oh, and I attended this:

We're a little bit proud of him. Wasn't so excited about the awful lighting (seriously, folks, it's a graduation - give us a spot with good lighting for the pictures you KNOW everyone will want to take). Still, it was a good day, last Wednesday.

Celebrated Mother's day. Sort of. I got breakfast from the law grad, but then I got to clean that up (he's a work in progress) in order to prepare a big dinner for HIS mom. 

But tomorrow is my Mother's day gift. A day with the long-arm. You'd think the man would figure out that I'm really pretty easy to please. What do I want for Christmas? Time to quilt. What do I want for my birthday? Time to quilt. And so on. And so on. Pretty simple, I'd say. 

My plans are to quilt these:

I figure I'll just quilt those shams and that pillow cover at the same time. I should have enough (but I'll measure first, just to make sure!). And if I get those done quickly, I'm going to do this one too:

Wish me luck! Then I'll be binding on Thursday like a mad woman!


  1. Congratulations to your hubby.....!!!
    I hope you get the time to get those quilts done.........

  2. félicitations à votre époux !
    J'aime beaucoup vos trois premiers quilts.

  3. What an adorable family. I can't get all my boys to wear ties. I hope your quilting day is successful.

  4. What a sweet family! You look great and congrats to your hubby! Have fun quilting:)

  5. Lovely family picture! Congrats to your husband! Enjoy your quilting time.

  6. Congrats to your husband! And yay for a quilting day! And hey - I'd like to see the dresses. It's still sewing!

  7. Congratulations to your husband on finally graduating! Does he have work lined up? I am amazed at how the American higher education system works, and how it is so expensive up front and so people are graduating once they are in their 30s and have families. How anyone can afford it beats me! In Australia we defer our fees until we have a job and then pay through our tax system. Hence most Aussies that actually go to uni finish as soon as they can, eg in five years, and then go on to work, marriage kids etc. So glad you've finished the law school stage. Onward and upward.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball