
28 July 2014

Color Mondays: Episode Yellow

You guys rocked the orange palettes last week! It may very well be the new pink! Some of my favorites:

Lauren from Charlotte's gRACE for a Cure, and I'm loving the idea of using a fabric swatch.

And my ever loyal, always can be counted on pal Katie at Katie Mae Quilts

Okay, if you don't like yellow, well, I'm not sure we can be friends. I LOVE yellow.

I had a plastic yellow purse in high school.

I drove a yellow VW Beetle. Until I bought an orange one for myself.

Tweety bird was a favorite as a child.

Yeah, I love yellow. Daisies, lemons, roses, butter, bananas, sunshine.

But finding a picture of yellow that I loved was hard. For about five seconds.

So play along! Find your picture (or pictures!), blog it, and link up! Have fun! And next week is green, so start planning.


  1. I might have just yelled PUNCH BUG YELLOW to the Dude. And I adore that you drove one! Or two!

  2. Fabulous yellowy inspiration! And my kids love to play "Punch buggy" here in Australia too:)


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball