
04 August 2014

Color Mondays: Episode Green

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine . . .
Always to be relied on, Miss Kate, who chose my favorite flowers!

And Kirsten, who introduced me to the Kangaroo Paw. Love all those different shades of yellow.

Loved your yellow palettes! So fun!

Okay. Time for some cooler colors.

It's not easy being green, according to Kermit.

Unless you're Ireland:

But ain't nobody does green like Miss Scarlett:

That girl rocked the green dresses, all throughout the movie. Wish I could have found a better picture of the green velvet curtain dress!

Okay. Your turn! And next week will be blue. So get ready!


  1. I do declare, I don't think we could be any more perfect for each other. I don't even want to admit how giddy I was when I saw Miss Scarlett. (Palettes coming on Wednesday. I need time to work on my greens.)

  2. Love Kermie and the Ireland photo is beautiful!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball