
21 August 2014

Fabric Thursday: Deep in the heart of Texas Roadtrip Quilt!

I blame Cristina for this.

List most Texans, she is a force to be reckoned with. I didn't stand a chance.

But us Idaho girls are pretty wiley ourselves. I did it all in one day! Added the borders this morning, and this is my Texas Roadtrip quilt, that I'm pretty sure will be claimed by my Texas-loving boy James once it is done. And I have requests for more. Starting with one identical to Cristina's, because I LOVE the darker blue background, and all her fancy blocks in there.

I used a Happy Go Lucky jelly roll, so I had a bunch of 2.5" squares left over and didn't want to start a whole new project, so I added just a top/bottom border or edge or whatever you want to call it. Is there a word? Anyway, it makes it a nice twin-sized quilt. We're on the "tall-drink-of-water" side of things here, so we like bigger quilts.

Linking up with the quilt parade, and with Fabric Tuesday.

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. OHMYGOSH! That looks so pretty, and I love the borders:)! The Happy-go-lucky and yellow looks perfect!

  2. I love your top and bottom borders! I almost wish I had waited to quilt and bind mine...

  3. Very Impressive! And lovely, too; can't go wrong with those fabrics!

  4. wow what a quilt! Visiting from crazy mum quilts. Love the other quilts on your blog header too.

  5. Congrats on your quilt top finish - it looks great! I love that Happy Go Lucky line. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love this one! I love the borders you added top and bottom too, and the yellow background! The navy really pulls the whole thing together, I love Happy Go Lucky - this has been a lot of love in one comment. But seriously, beautiful quilt :)

  7. Oh it looks fantastic!!! I love the fabrics you chose :)


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball