
13 October 2014

Color Monday: Episode Rain

Beautiful October!

Kate is in race mode:

And Kirsten humored me with a fall picture, even though her October is springing to life:

And now, the rain.

I didn't even do a Gene Kelly palette, thank you very much (I really wanted to)!

I do love the rain. I was raised on the Oregon coast, and so Christmas memories smell like rain to me. We did everything in the rain there - ride bikes, play at the park, go for hikes. If you didn't do anything in the rain, you didn't do anything! My friends and I would make up dances with our umbrellas. Football games were played in the rain.

I've lived in Seattle three different times. I met my husband there the first time. We moved there for a job the second time. And we went back for school at University of Washington. I still don't have rain boots. That will be corrected immediately if we ever go back!

Seattle is also where I began this whole quilting journey, which might account for my love of bright colors. Never could jump on the grey bandwagon. Until now! And I love that little bit o' Evergreen in there - Washington is the Evergreen State, after all!

I just loved the colors in this one.

Love a good spring rain too.

So find a rainy picture, upload it and build your palette, and share it. Linky party open all week!

And next week? Now that I've got musicals on the brain, why don't we do a Broadway/Movie Musical poster? Might be fun! Seven Brides, Oklahoma, Les Mis . . . the list is endless!

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"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball