
30 December 2014

2014 in Review and 15 Quilty Resolutions for 2015

2014 was a good year. I finished 19 quilts (plus three minis, several Weekenders, and some quilted pillows/pillow shams, dresses, nightgowns and Christmas gifts). I would have finished more if I'd had more time on the longarm, but such is life. Which brings me to my 15 Resolutions for 2015.

1. Give back.
I donated 3 quilts this year. I want to donate at least 3 more quilts this year. Plus my time helping with other projects in our humanitarian/crafty group at church.

2. Be myself.
I really want to avoid the pressure to join this QAL, or that swap. They look fun, but they make me deviate from my goals, and that's not a good thing in my book. I've got lots to finish already!

3. Whittle down that pile o' flimsies!
Ugh. Seriously folks, this is bad. There are 22 flimsies waiting to be quilted. I need a longarm.

4. Design more patterns.
I'm having a great time designing patterns. It's a little extra cash, and it's fun to connect on a new level with quilters who actually like what I come up with.

5. Host a weekly linky party.
I had some hits and misses last year. Tried the Color Mondays, but it never did take. I'd like to give it another shot, because it was lots of fun.

6. Teach my eldest daughter and eldest son to quilt.
They've been asking. Let's get them their first quilts pieced and ready for the fair this year!

7. Bust that stash!
I am not a scrappy girl. I cannot do scrap-vomit quilts. I love looking at them, but my OCD brain would go haywire if I had to do them. And I don't have to do them. But I do have some plans to bust my stash and get things under control. More on that later.

8. Improve my FMQ on the longarm.
It's time to branch out and do something else besides loops, swirls, hearts, and flowers. And stars. Just sayin'. I'd like to try some feathers, maybe, and using rulers.

9. Make quilts as gifts.
I've got plans for quilty gifts for all five kids, my parents, and two of my brothers. Here's hoping they get done!

10. Teach a class.
I've pitched an idea to a LQS. Crossing my fingers they like it. If they don't, try something else.

11. Keep sewing and blogging for non-kid time.
As a homeschooling mama, this is hard. They are home all the time. But there are times when it's better for me to focus on the kids, and that's what I plan on doing.

12. Supporting my quilt community.
This is mostly online, although we've got a fun little group at church too. But online, it's easy to just look at pictures and miss the writing. And never leave a comment. Comments are fun to get and fun to read. I like them, so I should do the same for others. Golden rule and all!

13. Try something new.
It might be EPP. Or applique. Might be a hard curvy project. I got a Quick Curves ruler for Christmas, so I should probably get started using that.

14. Improve my business.
This means a blog overhaul, business cards, the whole shebang.

15. All Christmas gifts will be done before December.
I dedicate this goal to Kate, who doesn't think I can do it. Or who will believe it when she sees it. But I'm determined!

There! 15 resolutions.

Linking up to Quilting Jetgirl's linky party!

Oh, and don't forget, my patterns are on sale for $5 each through Thursday!


  1. You have made some seriously cute quilts. And it looks like you have some great plans. Wishing you the best for 2015.

  2. 19 quilts, 5 kids and 15 resolutions ... have said it before, "I don't know how you do it!" But I'm ever so glad you do and I'll be following you with interest again next year :)

  3. I haven't starting making my list yet. Shame on me. My ideas have yet to leave my head and get on the paper. Time is ticking!

  4. It is easy to not leave a comment - so I am leaving one!!! Love all your quilts from this year. I hope that you make all your resolutions for next year!

  5. Thank you so much for linking up! This is a great list, and I love your goal to teach you eldest son and eldest daughter to quilt - Awesome!!! :) I hope you have a wonderful and productive 2015.

  6. Love the list! And all that you accomplished in 2014! The Texas quilt really pops, I love the bright yellow background! All the best to you in 2015!

  7. 12. Totally. I'm guilty of talking to you all day...and never leaving a comment! And :P to number 15. My eldest is also making a quilt this year. Fun times!

  8. Your quilts are all so beautiful - and I love your 2015 list!!

  9. Your resolutions are great for 2015! Many that I should try myself. I enjoy your blog very much! Thank you!

  10. 15 resolutions !!! You are one brave woman :)) Your quilts are beautiful, I love the granny square quilt.

  11. try something new is the most important!
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  12. You can bust your stash by teaching the kids to quilt with scraps! Kill three goals at a time. Scraps are perfect to practice on :)

  13. Well done on coming up with15 resolutions! I would take 12 months to think of them. You seem a very goal driven person which I admire. I am not. I am happy to swan about in the hobby of ours, doing what feels right at the time.

  14. Quilting is one of my obsessions, but I'm sort of a personal-polar-opposite person from you. I love your quilts, but I LOVE scrap quilts and hand quilting. Love your blog!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball