
07 December 2014

2014 Inspiration Palooza with The Champ Life

I happened across this fun link up via Instagram and decided to play along.

My favorite finish of 2014 would have to be my Sew Cherry Granny Square quilt. A lot of work, time and love went into this quilt, and it was such a relief to get it finished. It doesn't hurt that it's so darn pretty too!

My goals for 2015:
  • Try some new styles of quilting, specifically more block specific quilting and custom designs
  • Design more patterns
  • Finish the enormous pile o' flimsies - you don't even want to know how many there are!
  • Learn more about EQ7
  • Teach my daughter to sew
That's all I can think of for tonight. Somewhat general, but I'll get more specific each quarter.

Linking up - give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. I need to learn more with EQ7. For whatever reason, I feel lost with it. I guess I'm from the paper and pencil generation. Maybe it is because the kids run circles around me with technology.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball