
17 April 2015

Friday Finish Part 2: Open Wide Pouches

I entered the dark world of Instagram Swaps. Seriously, friends, these are so much fun. I'm putting together a post on how to be a good swapper, because I've got some ideas on making life easier for your partner.

This was my first swap I signed up for, and I learned a lot. Lesson one: give your partner a good idea of a color palette you like. Not one color. One color says nothing. If I told you I loved yellow, that wouldn't really be enough, would it? If I told you I loved Pam Kitty Morning fabrics, you'd have a much better idea of the kind of yellow I love.

My partner likes navy. That's all I got. So this is what I made:

Usually, you fill it up with fun little trinkets and treats. Treats, especially, from what I gather. But my swap partner is dieting, so candy is out. So she gets two pouches instead of one, to make up for the missing treats.

I wanted some cute zipper pulls, and I discovered that my partner has a vintage Singer, so I added these to the bags. Aren't they the cutest? I get them from this little shop on Etsy called Julep Tulip. I've ordered quite a few from her lately, and they are the best!

One pouch has a few extras: a mini charm pack, some notecards, and a box of pins. Oh, and some of the other fabrics that came with the ones I ordered. Just to play with. 

So, what do you think? Is this mail you'd like to receive? And are you a swap addict? Confession time: I'm signed up for 8 more this year. So far. One of which is a Harry Potter Mini, and an 80s/90s swap that is going to be so much fun.

Checking this off my 2QFAL list. One down, a billion to go!


  1. Your pouches look great. I like how the yellow centres in the flowers add a touch of brightness. Thanks for the link for the zipper pulls. Visiting from FIUF.

  2. Your beautiful pouches and comments about swapping are making me want to join a swap!! I did a 12.5" cat block swap about 10 years ago and it was totally fun. I'm looking forward to your post on swaps!

  3. Such cute pouches and cute little gift ideas. I want to make some for the Son's GF who is going to be traveling a lot after Graduation. The swaps look like a lot of fun.

  4. Cute pouches! Very nice goodies! Fabric is always a great surprise to add to a package. Great swap package!

  5. LOve your pouches. Great job on filling them without using sweets.

  6. Oh they're both so cute!! I love the Singer tag, it's the perfect finishing touch!

  7. I just joined my first one as well. I too have a partner who has no food! I love the zipper pulls that is a great touch. What I am finding frustrating that my partner is on Instagram but not very active on the swap hash tag. So crossing my fingers I am getting it right!

  8. First... I'd LOVE being the recipient of this package! You nailed it. (As a person whose house is full of food intolerances, I can appreciate the "otherness" of the treats here.) Second... I'm looking forward to your posts on swaps too. That is something I love following along on right now... maybe one day I'll get the courage to jump in. (And the skill!) For now, I live vicariously through you and Kate!

  9. I haven't joined any swaps yet, but I am part of a round robin quilting group. I'm visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball