
05 February 2018

Tiptoe QAL Week Five: Blocks B & C Piecing

Good morning! I just realized that I should have done these posts every Tuesday. Tulip Tuesdays! But we're committed to Mondays, so carry on.

Tips for today:
  • Half Rectangle Triangles - how are they going? Is the Craftsy blog post helping? Any thoughts or questions? Remember that when you cut those rectangles, you'll make one leaf for each side. And since the short leaf is only on one side, you'll just need half of it for one tulip, and half for a mirror image.
  • Remembering to mirror those leaves
  • Best press - did we try it out? I actually have some vodka in my freezer (don't judge, it's for pie crust - the BEST pie crust)
  • Any thoughts and comments?
Have a lovely Monday! Let me know, honestly, if you have any questions or comments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a bit late to the party. Just found your QAL. I love the tulip pattern. I'm going to try a block or two this weekend. Thanks for sharing your pattern.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball