That's what I'm doing today. Quilting my PKM Victory Garden quilt. I'm two-thirds through it and I'm so excited to be done. Clearing off that top shelf in my sewing room is feeling great!
The rest of my week will be prepping for my husband's birthday on Saturday. I've got a couple of easy things to stitch up (some jammies and a "tool thing" that he's wanted for forever). I'm hoping to baste another quilt in the meantime.
And I've been thinking. About me, and sewing, and friendship.
So much of blogging, for me, is about meeting people and making friends, about having this common thread, if you'll pardon the pun.
A good friend invited me over for a girl's night. I asked what we'd be doing.
Long pause.
We wouldn't be doing anything. Just hanging out.
And I didn't want to go. I made some excuse, probably about the baby or being tired or something else, because I didn't know, at the time, why I didn't want to go.
Since I'm wont to over-think everything, I over-thought this one.
And I figured it out. I like to be doing something, even when I'm with friends. Especially when I'm with friends. Sewing, stitching, cutting, whatever. I like to visit, but I like to be busy. When I do get free moments of time, I want to be doing something. So much of my day involves doing nothing (well, nursing a baby is something, but it's pretty stationary and doesn't allow for much more than blog surfing, which I LOVE).
Your thoughts? I think I would have liked to have been a part of big quilting bees and groups and such. Where I live (middle o' nowhere Idaho), there isn't a quilt group I can join. So I'm a part of this big, awesome virtual quilt group. And it makes me happy, even if I do get the reputation of being anti-social.
Have a great Tuesday!
Oh, linking up:
ReplyDeletegreat photo :) I love working on a quilt at this stage - it finally feels like a quilt, not just fabric. It's like sewing & snuggling with a quilt at the same time :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with so much you wrote about! I prefer to be busy doing something, especially if I can get away form the kids. I feel like I've wasted an opportunity if I have free time and don't do anything with it.
There are some quilt guilds around here, but I'd love to be part of an old fashioned sewing circle. Just getting together informally to sew with other people. But i'm grateful for blogging, because it's the next best thing.
Ooohh...quilting under the machine pictures are so much fun and this looks so inviting and beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI crochet scarves when visiting with friends. Or yesterday, over a coke at McDonald's just visiting with a new friend, I ripped out seams from the Granny Squares top. I like to be busy too...as a mom of three, I know every minute is precious and I like to feel I'm doing something productive...but I've had to learn to just sit...and listen...be an ear that hears, but doesn't remember and share...nursing babies is one of the most important things you can be doing. And how fun we all have internet to yak, visit, swap and share photos! I'm a SAHM who homeschools one and there's lot of time to find things to keep busy close to my student!