
29 February 2012

WIP Wednesday: the one with Pam Kitty Morning

Woke up under this quilt this morning. If old wives' tales are true, I should have dreamt of the man I would marry. I didn't do that - as I am already happily married, that sort of dream didn't seem like a good idea.

But it was a lovely quilt to sleep under.

Isn't she purty?

Love this quilt. Loved the fabric. Loved the pattern. Loved it all.

It's the biggest quilt I've ever FMQed, but I managed okay with a meandering loopy stitch that washed up gorgeous and crinkly.
The weather cooperated and gave me some snow to take pictures on. I'm ready to make another one - I have enough left over fabric to make a baby quilt.

More pictures to come on Friday.

As for my WIP list, I've been a busy girl.

I wiped this one off, and I basted another quilt last night and will start quilting it this afternoon.

I pulled out another UFO and was working on it when I realized that my iron was transferring the blue of my ironing board cover fabric to my quilt blocks. Grrr. Not happy. So I'm waiting until payday (tomorrow) and I can get a new, better cover. I know I should recover it myself, but I don't need to add another WIP, do I? I won't be buying a cover at Walmart this time around though.

In other news, I'm sewing for my husband's birthday on Saturday. Just some jammies and a tool thingy he's wanted for a while. I'm not so good at winging it, so I hope that turns out well.

Linking up:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. i love this quilt! perfect pattern and fabric!

    Thanks for using pkm, I'm so giddy to see it!

  3. Such a groovy quilt. Good job!

  4. What an awesome finish! Such pretty fabrics to show off the design. I found you through Lily's Quilts. Love your blog!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball