
01 March 2012

Bring on the Grannies!

Hee hee. That title makes me giggle.

In honor of the start of the granny square quilt-a-long (time to cut yer fabric, ladies), I thought I'd share some laughs with you.

Beauty Queen Grannies

Grannies on Broadway with walkers

Grannies with guns - my kind o' grannies

A four generation shot - from l to r: my oldest daughter (youngest wasn't born yet), me, my gran and my mom
I lost my Gran 9 months ago. She was a fiesty little Southern lady who made the world's greatest biscuits and taught me how to make coconut cake and lemon meringue pie. She was a quilter herself and I miss her every day.

So my granny squares quilt will be a little tribute to her. My second tribute. My first was this little lady:

Miss Caroline Mae, named after her Great-Gran. They missed each other by a few months, although I have a sneaking suspicion that my Gran was filling her in on our crazy family during that overlap.

Hope you join the quilt-a-long. It's gonna be a fun one!

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Lucille Ball