
07 April 2012

2nd Quarter Follow-Along Goals

I might be getting a little ambitious here, but here is what I want to finish for April-May-June:

1. This strawberry pinwheel quilt top is done. I just need to piece the back, then baste, quilt and bind it.

2. This quilt actually was basted and I started to quilt it but ran into some serious tension issues. I have to get out the seam ripper and start over with it. So frustrating.
3. I've got all these Delft blue Dutch pinwheel blocks that need to be finished and stitched together. Then the usual: baste, quilt, bind. And snuggle.
4. This one is ready to be quilted - just baste, quilt bind.
5. I need 25 (I think) more blocks for this one and then it's done. Going to back it in yellow minky and it's going on my bed. Seriously love this quilt.
6. And this one is all done as well - just needs quilting. But it will be so nice to have it off the WIP list.

7. Another Jelly Filled Dream On quilt - this is in the blues and greens. It just needs basting, binding and quilting.

8. What's the point of having an Accuquilt if I don't use it? I cut out these apple cores and started stitching them together. Just need to finish up the quilt!

So those are my eight goals, along with the stuff I'm working on right now. Linking up at Quilter in the Gap for the Follow-Along.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of pretty quilts. I love the strawberry pinwheel quilt. Good luck.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball