
06 April 2012

Finish it up Friday: second verse, same as the first

I'm 'enery the eighth I am
'Enery the eighth I am, I am . . .

Loved singing that song. And I have a Henry (although he's not the eighth), so I sing it at least once a week for him. Look at it this way: I'm helping him learn to spell his name.

But this week's post looks awfully familiar, hence the "second verse, same as the first" up there in the title.

Here is bag #3. I think I'm bagged out for a few weeks at least. Still working on that other #%*@ bag. It is really trying my patience.

But I *heart* the yellow and blue. Yellow tulips and blue skies.

In case you were wondering, yes, that tulip picture is mine. Not taken this year, or anywhere around here. That's the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Washington and it's gorgeous. This will be the first year in four years I haven't gone. Sigh.

Instead, here are two views from my window, on the SAME day. I swear, I'm not lying.

8 a.m. Snowing. Hard.

3:30 p.m. - sunshine and melting snow. Crazy weather in these parts. At least the Seattle area was more predictable!

But we're headed toward springier weather next week - hooray! I was getting mighty jealous of all the blogs with apple blossoms and daffodils. I've only spotted a few crocuses here and there. Ooh, that reminds me. Gotta stop by the library today and take a picture of those crocuses I saw.

I have been doing more sewing than just that bag, but I felt kinda dumb posting the same pictures on Monday and Friday. So Monday you will see my progress on my goals. Fridays will just be for finishes. Deal? Deal.

And tomorrow, before I start baking my mom's birthday cake (her 60th, er, 39th), I will post my second quarter goals for the 2012 Finish Along over at Quilter in the Gap. Join in the fun - goals are a good thing! I'm being ambitious - we'll see how I do!

Linking up with crazy mom quilts, whose rolling stone quilt rocks (pun absolutely intended!) and Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, who has the best finish of all - a new granddaughter!

Have a great Easter weekend!


  1. Cute spring bag...that is neat to see the befor and after too!

  2. I love the bag. Yellow and blues are my favorite colors.

  3. what a cute bag! and i love how it matches your beautiful tulip photo. so fun!

    thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball