
30 September 2012

Sewing Buddy Challenge #2 - COLOR

I have a sewing buddy. Her name is Nicole. She is an amazing seamstress. Need proof? Check out this dress. Or this blouse. Do you remember the amazing messenger bag she made for our last challenge? After I saw that bag, I knew I had to really step up on this challenge. We came in third for the last challenge and I'd like us to move up this time around.

The assignment was simply "color." Each buddy pair could do what they wanted with color. One person could make a skirt and their partner could make a coordinating blouse. Nicole and I chose a color scheme that suited us (yellow and aqua/turquoise). Originally, we were both going to make aprons and kitchen accessories. But I needed a sewing machine cover more, so I switched. We both feathered our nests where we needed it most.

Here is a picture of the cover that came with my sewing machine.

Yes. Awful, isn't it? It's like a hospital gown for a sewing machine. Yes, I definitely needed a new cover.

And here is the replacement. Compared to the "hospital gown," this baby is an A-lister Emmy dress.

I purchased this pattern a while back and put this project on my 3Q FAL list. I just didn't know I was going to love it so much. The pattern was well written, with lots of pictures online as reference. (And I know I should have cleared out all my "stuff" in my windowsill, but I'm trying to keep it real. I have bizarre clay creations from my daughter and pictures of my family and a Hoops and Yoyo audio birthday card up there. What of it?)

I special ordered the measuring tape twill ribbon from this shop on etsy. The buttons were also a special order from this shop. I love that they have a flower in the center. Great customer service from both shops, by the way.

I used Robert Kaufman Essex Linen in Flax and I'm so happy with how easy it was to work with. I'm not a grey girl. Or a gray girl. I have lived in Seattle. I like bright colors. But the grey really makes the yellows and aquas stand out. Which is true in Seattle as well. When the sun shines there, it REALLY shines.

The part of the mat that sits under the machine was free motion quilted in random loops - shocker - and I did some straight line quilting on the patchwork blocks. The bag has two magnetic clasps so I can detatch it. It's supposed to be a thread catcher, but I use it for my basting pins instead.

I got to decide on the pocket sizes. I've got one for my screwdrivers, one for a seam ripper, one for my phone. They are pretty handy, those pockets.

There was just enough hand sewing to provide some nice details without being overwhelming. I do appreciate that sort of thing.

And because we got an extension, I thought I might make a little wall hanging:

And I made a project bag, using Ayumi's tutorial:

Oh, and here is the pincushion that goes with everything else. The ribbon isn't sewn down, so you can slip your embroidery scissors under it and they will stay put. Clever, no? I've got a pair of Eiffel Tower scissors (could these be any cuter?) on my Christmas wish list.

My buddy Nicole put together an amazing ensemble for her kitchen. She made herself some potholders and oven mitts (and can I say I envy her yellow Le Creuset just a tad more than I should?). I love those birds and the quilting on the mitts:

And she designed, yes, DESIGNED, this apron. With a matching turquoise spatula. Adorable!

Because she has better computer/photo editing skills, she put together our composite picture for our entry into the contest:

Head over to the flickr pool to see the rest of the Color Challenge entries. I'd join you, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we win the top prize this time around.


  1. You crack me up--that old sewing machine DOES look like a hospital gown! In a organizational moment, I threw mine away without even unwrapping it from the plastic packaging. Do people really use those things?!

  2. The new machine cover and the rest of the matching lovelies are wonderful! I love them, but I am very envious and want all of those for myself! : ) hehe Great job! Love it.

  3. How could you not win. Those are all fantastic!

  4. the two of you made some fabulous stuff! good luck!

  5. Cute, cute, cute!! All of it is adorable.

  6. The accents and details here really make these projects--and I am SO getting some of that twill measuring tape, how awesome!! You ladies ROCKED this challenge, and completely deserved your FIRST PLACE finish (announced on the blog today). Congratulations!!

  7. I love your Sewing Buddy project. So happy you won. It's so nice and bright!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball