
21 February 2014

Friday Finish: The Sophia Bag!

Loved the one I made my niece, but this one is just too fun. Does a ten-year-old need two overnight bags?

Uh, yeah. Girls need choices.

And now she has them! Actually, knowing my girl, she'll fill one bag with books and put the rest of her stuff in her other bag, so she totally needs two!

But I sorta want to borrow hers for my weekend getaway next week. I'm headed to gorgeous Salt Lake City with my sweetheart. Just one night. A trip to Ikea. And my favorite Italian restaurant. But still! So excited!

Oh, check it off the 1QFAL list. Wahoo! And linking up!


  1. How pretty!! And your date sounds like fun...Italian food and IKEA...pretty awesome!

  2. Adorable! I would totally borrow it for such a romantic weekend of Ikea shopping!

  3. What an adorable bag. I don't know that I'd give it away... Even to my daughter :)

  4. What an adorable bag. I don't know that I'd give it away... Even to my daughter :)

  5. CUTE!! It looks so similar to a bag I am working on right now :) I love it. Your fabrics are so sweet.

  6. OMG I am so jealous of her! This is so cool! She is lucky!

  7. This bag is too cute for words. Are you sure she won't stuff this one with animals to match the outside? My husband and I like to vacation in Salt Lake City, too. It's not far away, but it is beautiful and fun. Ikea is always great. My boys love their meatballs, but I am sure that's not the Italian food you were talking about. ;) Can't wait to see what you bring home from your trip.

  8. Have a great time in Salt Lake City:)

    That bag looks amazing!

  9. That really is a delightfully cheery bag! Hope you enjoyed your date night - what fun :)

  10. Hi!!!! I love her bag!!!! That is cheerful fabric too!!!! Have fun on your date!!!! Sounds like fun!!!!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball