
14 March 2014

Friday Finish: I've figured it out!

It's not a "real" finish, but I'm not caring. It's a top, and it's finished. And it's huge. We're good.

Sorry for the washed out picture. It was literally rain or shine today, so I took my chances. 

And I figured out where my sew-jo went. Well, two possible culprits. The first: a messy sewing room. Seriously. Wreck of the Hesperus quality. (My mom wasn't the only one who used that term growing up, did she?)

Second: I left some at the gym. I've started working out more, and I'm putting a lot of effort.

And third (I said three right? :): I just want to finish something. I'll get one more finished, but that leaves way too many to go. As I mentioned on a friend's blog, I don't need to rent the longarm, I need to rent childcare. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a quilting place like the gym, where you could drop your kids off while you quilted? I would LOVE that!

I fixed the first one. Sewing room got cleaned and somewhat organized.

The second, well, nothing can be done about that. It's a priority right now, so I'll let it suck the sewing motivation right out of me.

As for the third, well, what to do? Can't leave the kids home alone right now. Life is intensifying for the law student and it won't let up until August, after he takes the bar. I can't afford to pay a sitter for 3-4 hour stretches. Wish I could offer someone I know a free quilt in exchange for babysitting!

Any ideas? Wish I had a friend to swap with. I'd gladly watch someone's kids for a few hours while they garden or scrapbook or do whatever they like in exchange for some bi-weekly quilting. Is that too much to ask?


  1. Yep a messy sewing room will get me in a no sew-jo funk everytime! Love your finished quilt top - it looks huge! If it helps I totally support the swapping kids sewing party idea! My 17mo has just worked out how to turn my machine off at the wall - makes for fun free motion quilting when you lose motion altogether!! Keera x

  2. Hi!!!! Your quilt is beautiful!!!!! I love how fresh and cheerful it is!!!!! Great for Spring!!!!! So glad it is almost spring!!!!

  3. I love the top! A swap sounds perfect! I've done that before with some of my quilty friends. I've even done swaps with other moms I can't remember the last time I paid for a sitter.

  4. Jennie, I'd love to swap babysitting for a quilt. I am in the SF Bay Area and known among those whose kids I help raise as the Baby Whisperer. Pictures of my Littles are on my blog ( I don't suppose you are near enough to allow me to help you get some stretches of free time ?~! I would so enjoy getting to know you... Email if you think it'd work-or maybe when you say Northwest you mean the lovely states above me.

  5. Your quilt top is very very pretty!!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  6. I hear ya about the missing sew-ho, I have been collecting quilt tops this year, not finishing one of them.....TODAY is the day I WILL finish a quilt!!! I will come watch your kids on trade for a quilt!!

  7. Such a beautiful top. We have to celebrate all the finishes along the way. Finish finding fabric... Finish cutting it out... Finish making blocks... Finish the top... Finish the backing... Finish the quilting... Finish the binding... Finish blogging!!! Lots of things to celebrate, right? And the quilt top is a BIG finish. (Oh, don't forget finishing the borders.) I like doing happy songs and dances for all the finishes.

    I hope you can find someone to trade babysitting with, and your idea for a quilting with child care facility is really cool!

  8. I think a friend swap is an awesome idea - go for it - start asking around - ask people you wouldn't think would be interested. You never know who may say yes. ask older women with no children at home anymore - never know when an empty nester may want some action. make the most of it though - they may never agree to do it again ;-).


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball