
10 November 2014

I'm Dreaming of a Fabric Holiday

Good mornin' stitching world! Unless it's already afternoon or evening where you are at. Then it's just, hey. How's the day going to turn out for the rest of us? :)

First, go check out my latest pattern, and Kate's version, and enter the pattern giveaway. I'll wait. We're cool.

And now, what about a fun linky party?

Post your holiday wish list (pictures are helpful!) and link up! I know it might be useful for anyone who really wants to get you something you love.

For me?

The Merry & Bright fat quarter bundles at the Fat Quarter Shop:

An Acorn Trail FQ bundle from Westwood Acres:

A Cherie FQ Bundle, also from Westwood Acres

And a Roots and Wings FQ bundle from Fabricworm

A new Olfa Cutting Mat (the 24X36 one)

A quilt ladder (think I can get the husband to make me one?)

(photo courtesy of the lovely Cindy at Hyacinth Quilt Designs)
Another building projects for the husband!

And, the one thing I ask for every year, TIME! Just some quiet, uninterrupted sewing time. Free babysitting. Or just a new movie that will make my kids into zombies for an hour or so. It's not complicated!

And if any elves want to come in and recover my chair for me, I wouldn't chase them out. I might even feed them cookies, or peanut brittle, or donuts. Just sayin'. 

Okay, you're turn! Blog a list and share it with us. You have 10 days, so no pressure.

Happy wishing!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog via Kate’s … and am drolling over your list here! You have some great selections here!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball