
28 September 2012

Friday Finish: last quilt of the 3Q FAL

Finish it up Friday is back at crazymomquilts and I'm excited to have this quilt finished. The last of my 3QFAL quilts (link up will be next week - hooray!). I'm also going to link up with Sarah, who is back in the saddle and quilting again!

I mentioned earlier that there was a mistake and I was determined to fix it. Armed with a seam ripper and my father's choicest curse words (don't worry, they are PG ones, and funny too!), I took out the offending block and turned it the right way. Phew. Now I can look at it and not go bonkers. Well, until I tie a big red bow around it and ship it to its new home. I'm liking this business of gifting quilts. Kinda fun, don't ya think?

All in all, I finished 9 of my 20 projects for the FAL. Two others would have been done (the R2D2 quilt and the other Christmas quilt), but we had a Minky SNAFU for poor R2 and then a backing hiccup for the Christmas quilt. So those go to the top o' the heap for next quarter. Along with the other projects. I'm working on getting organized for that FAL post. Need some new pictures so you don't get bored looking at the same ones every time.

But first on my list for next week is basting my monster of a string quilt. I think I'm going to enter it in the Blogger's Quilt Festival next month, so I've got to get going on it. The fun part will be the basting. It's so huge, my living room floor isn't going to cut it. Might be using the gym floor at my church next Tuesday night while my daughter has her activity.

Have a lovely weekend. I'm finishing up a dress and waiting for my cushion pattern to arrive so I can whip that one out. With any luck, I'll get it done by Sunday afternoon for the big Sewing Buddy reveal. Here's hoping!

And next week, I'll share my cutting plans for next weekend. It's like prepping 20 meals on one Saturday, only in this case, it's prepping 20 quilts. Okay, not 20. But a lot. More to come!


  1. I LOVE your quilt! So pretty. Someone is going to be very lucky to receive it. :)

  2. This is absolutely beautiful! I love the colors!!

  3. WOW! Colours really 'pop' ... Lovely work :)

  4. Great pink and lime green Christmas quilt.

  5. That is beautiful! Great job!

  6. What a gorgeous colour scheme! Great job!

  7. Love the 3Q FAL quilt!! So happy for you that you were able to fix it:)

    Good luck on the string quilt up next!

  8. I love double hourglass - yours looks great.

  9. love LOVE your double hourglass quilt! It's just fabulous :)

  10. What an awesome finish and aren't you glad you went with changing the block! I'm always ever so glad to know I've done "my" best.

    Congratulations on all your accomplishments!

  11. The quilt looks amazing. Great job!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball