
24 September 2012

Make-A-List Monday: the no-fun sort of distractions

When I get ambitious, life sometimes sends me the message to slow down.

Fabric doesn't arrive. Babies get sick. Babies get better and three-year-olds get sick. Really sick. I spend my days cuddling, cleaning up sick messes and getting juice and crackers. And looking up symptoms online. Tell me I'm not the only one who worries that every tummy ache is appendicitis? Please? Help me out here. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

So, here's my list from last week:
  • Finish dresses for my daughter
Nope. I got distracted by this:

I apologize if you saw this before, but I keep walking by my sewing room to look at it. Makes me happy. I'm still debating the row of tulips. Looking for the right paper piecing pattern for tulips. No luck so far. And I'm thinking of doing a lemonade one. It's going to be my paper piecing wall soon!
  • Quilt and bind one of the Christmas quilts (basting it tonight after the kids go to bed)
I couldn't get a quilt basted to save my life this week. I finally, FINALLY, got it basted yesterday afternoon. I'll get started quilting it today. Sheesh.
  • Piece the back and at least baste my son's R2D2 quilt (I ordered another batch o' minky and it should be here soon)
I think I live in a Minky free zone. Like, it's not allowed to come here. There's some sort of sanction going on, because I can't get Minky here for love or money. Still waiting for it to arrive.

On to this week's list:
  • Quilt and bind TWO Christmas quilts
  • Make chair cushion to go with my sewing machine cover - what do you think of this one:

  • Piece back for R2D2 quilt (please let that stuff arrive!)
  • Finish at least one dress
  • Work on paper pieced wall hangings (maybe, which means I'll probably do this first!)
Have a lovely week - the first week of fall!


  1. That cushion is just darling!!

  2. I have the same messages sent to me, I think. Wednesday was a mess of dog baths, then dog cutting her foot open, and a mess of other things I've pushed into the recesses of my brain because I can't remember them, but it was bad. I stayed up late sewing to offset it.

    I love the sunburst quilt. It's so pretty and cheery. Good luck on the other projects. I have a knitting needle roll for my aunt sitting in limbo, and I need to get moving on a baby quilt for my BFF's shower next month.

  3. I love fall and winter, but the sick kids - ugh. I'm not looking forward to all that worry, I don't handle it well.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball