
24 September 2012

The 100 Day Hustle

Kelsey Sews 

Technically, the 98 Day Hustle. Ack! I've lost two days already! Did you know there are only 98 days left in the year? Did you know I have one project for every 7 days? Yep. Fourteen projects I want to have done by the end of the year. In no particular order:
    • The R2D2 quilt (if the Minky every shows it's face)
    • My yellow and orange string quilt
    • A Halloween HST zig zag quilt. Funny story. I had this one all laid out on the floor (no design wall for me) and my little 3 year old wanted to help, so he picked it all up. Super helpful of him and I haven't had the mental energy to lay it out again.
    • Another Halloween quilt. This one, actually.
    • Trick-or-Treat bags for my kids, based on Ayumi's bag tutorial.
    • My Holiday Hostess quilt must be finished!
    • The red Christmas string quilt that was supposed to be a wedding gift and will now be a wedding/Christmas gift for my friend.
    • A red and aqua tree skirt for my Christmas tree
    • New stockings for the whole family. Because the old ones don't match the tree skirt. And they HAVE to match. Because I said so.
    • My Lucy's Crab Shack triangle quilt. Now that I officially have a toddler, this quilt has become impossible to lay out. Gonna need a gym floor (and a babysitter) to lay it out, stack up and label. Here's hoping my fairy godmother comes through for me.
    • Sunkissed Granny squares quilt - hand quilting this one, so I need my mom's frame to get started. Or I could use my biggest hoop, but I've never hand quilted, and I think I want both my hands free so that if I need to rip my hair out, I can be more efficient about it.
    • At least finish the borders on my Sew Cherry granny squares quilt

    • My daughter's Gypsy Girl quilt
    • And the cowgirl saltwater taffy quilt
    • A mug rug for my mother-in-law
    • A mug rug for my aunt
    • My Hocuspocusville embroidered wall hanging - four done, eight to go, plus the patchwork and quilting. You know. No biggie.

    Those who know me know that I always make big lists. I love lists. I love this list. I want to add more. There's plenty more to add, but I won't get greedy. Lists keep me accountable. I've been making them since middle school. In fact, I made a list in high school of all the things I wanted in a husband. And I got my list. So lists are magical too.

    Make one. Link up. Get your hustle on!

    And for the record, not only do I have the usual holidays to contend with like everyone else, I also have four birthdays in my little family. One in October (a first birthday!) and three in the first week of November. Good, crazy times around here. If it weren't for those, my list would most likely be longer, I assure you. But cakes take center stage at birthday time.


    1. Aw what a good little helper :) That tree skirt is going to be amazing! Thanks for joining in!

    2. Nice list. I have stockings on my list as well. Good luck completing your list.

    3. I need to do this. But of course making that list would just add to my already too-long list, so in an effort to make life easier on myself I'll just do everything on the fly. That's worked for me so far (yeah, right!) haha. Good luck with all the projects! You can do it. : )


    "The more things you do, the more you can do."

    Lucille Ball