
25 April 2014

Slowing Down, Taking Notice

I have a ten-year-old. I realized, talking with her last night, that she's closer to being grown up and gone than she is to the baby girl I brought home such a short time ago. For most of her life, I've been busy with her brothers and her baby sister. I'm still busy with all of them, but it's easier now. And I feel like my extra time should be theirs, mostly, instead of mine. Someday I'll have all kinds of me time. I don't want to waste these years.

 (my eldest daughter, me, my gran - who passed away three years ago, and my mom)

So I'm easing up on the quilting. I'm allotting myself an hour every day, maybe. If I'm lucky. But I'm trying to focus more on my babies, who won't be babies for very long.

I'll still post regularly, but small projects. You won't see a flimsy a week. You'll see more projects from my kids. You'll see more bags and pillows (I really have needed to focus on smaller projects anyway - the quilts are piling up!).

Don't cry for me Argentina! There will be plenty of time to sew. Now is the time for mothering.

See you Monday!


  1. Good for you for realizing how fast time goes by and we can never go back and redo life so enjoy it while you can.

  2. Love you for this decision! Good for you and your family!

  3. They do grow up so fast. I'm looking forward to seeing your family projects.

  4. It's unbelievable how fast they are up and out that door. My baby will be 29 in a few months and I am still in shell shock when I think about it. In order to stay young I babysit with one special kidlet at a time until he/she goes to preschool then I find another one to love for three years.

    Spend as much time as you can because in another week or two they will be grown and having big lives of their own. I admire and respect your decision.

  5. Time is so precious. You're a great Mum. Will follow as you change and look forward to seeing whatever you manage to do. Have fun, m'dear :)

  6. Enjoy every minute with your lovely family. They grow up so fast.

  7. HI!!!!! You are so right...they grow up right before your eyes!!!!

  8. I never took one day for granted while raising my four amazing children. All of them will tell you that time spent with Mom in my sewing room was special. I admire your decision and am glad that I appreciated every day of their growing up years. And smaller projects can be just as fun and rewarding as the large quilts!

  9. Awww, now you're reminding me that the Dude is exactly halfway between baby and adult. I've already used up half of my time with him-as-a-kid. :( But I know this is all just secretly because you want to take a break when I am, since I know the Little Man won't leave me much sewing time. ;)

  10. My eldest is ten too, and oh so wise and grown up sometimes. I can't believe how fast that time goes. It makes me sad sometimes that I don't remember every minute, or that I sometimes wanted times to move faster so I could do my thing. Feels like we missed parts doesn't it. Im still eagerly waiting to see what you make!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball