
23 April 2014

WIP Wednesday: Flower Sugar Economy blocks

I'm a little weird.

Acceptance is the first stage.

I really don't like it when directional prints are next to each other, and don't match up. Makes my OCD little brain slightly crazy.

I didn't want my Flower Sugar quilt to make me crazy. The fabrics are too pretty to bug me if they weren't just right. So I chose to make some of the uber-popular economy blocks with it. Yeah, I'm late to the game. Story of my life (I still don't own a single pair of skinny jeans, and don't get me started on the whole scarf trend!).

Happiness in fabric form. Love these little blocks!

Linking up! Come back Friday - I'll have flimsy finishes for you!


  1. Love the colors!!! I'm late to the party too. Going to have to go look up these Economy Blocks I'm seeing everywhere :-D

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love these! Cute prints and cute blocks. Perfect.

  3. Scarves are cool, skinny jeans not so much! :) Love your blocks and that is a really great way to treat that fabric!

  4. Your blocks are beautiful!

  5. Oh, I love these so much!! And there's a scarf trend....? I'm blissfully unaware when it comes to fashion :)

  6. Beautiful blocks! Love them!

  7. Those blocks are so sweet! I'm like you. No skinny jeans, and I couldn't wear the scarf my MIL gave me more than once. ;)

  8. I love those blocks!!! And I could never figure out how to wear a scarf either!

  9. You're too funny, Jennie (and it still hurts when I laugh so stop it!) These blocks are delightful :)

  10. They look great!

  11. I like their whimsical feel.

    I have a drawer full of scarves-what am I supposed to be doing with them is my question... they look really weird all bunched up around my face. I'm trying to learn.

  12. Beautiful blocks! Scarves are definitely only for winter, not a trend statement. I do own skinny jeans, but only coz I love wearing long boots. I'm currently making a quilt top that I avoid using the stripes from the fabric range because I couldn't handle if they were in different directions around the stars!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball