
11 September 2014

Don't Give Up

Feeling a little bit discouraged today. My husband, after all the hours he spent studying, didn't pass the bar. He can take it again, in February, but for now, I'm a little disheartened. Still, I trust God and know that things will be okay.


  1. I so agree with the quote! You just won't know the good things until they happen, and sometimes even after they happen. Eat some ice cream, and feel better! Best wishes.

  2. My hubby failed the first time too! It was so discouraging. Hang in there.

  3. Sorry, that would be disheartening. Best wishes to you both for the opposite outcome next time!

  4. Thinking of you and your family. I also appreciate the reminder that things will be all right in the end.

  5. So sorry!! I know how big that is.....I am an RN.....there is nothing like taking those long tests....making you think of EVERY area that has been taught to you....We are selling our cabin today at 530!!....we started it in 2003, built it ourselves....beautiful.....even has Barn Quilts on it now...but time to Retire and move south to our SC farm....your Blog post verse was just what I needed today.....Hugs to you both!! even if I don't know you I know what you are feeling!!

  6. It will come in time. Some goals take a bit longer. The next time he takes the test the questions will be more familiar and he will feel more comfortable. Once he passes he will realize that clients don't ask what your grades were or how many times you had to take the bar.
    Warm hugs and happy thoughts for you and your family.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball