
13 March 2015

Friday Finish: A little finish

I've survived my first week. We mostly just kept busy.

Park. Zoo. Library. Store. Park again.

I spent a little time sewing. Mostly cutting, but some sewing got done too.

My biggest finish was this little Sew Together Bag for a dear friend at church. She's the sweetest lady, and her birthday was last Friday (I'm only a week late!).

She loves the color purple, and these Downton prints were just too perfect. The zipper pockets are lined in a light grey.


  1. I love it! I really like the light gray in the zippered pockets.

  2. A very elegant bag for your friend, I bet she'll be thrilled! Congrats on the finish. :)

  3. That is amazing - she must have absolutely loved it. Glad you are keeping busy, but don't wear yourself out too much!

  4. It took me ages to make my bag so I can appreciate the work that went into this gift - I'm sure your friend absolutely loved it :)

  5. This pattern is so popular right now. I saw one being made upclose and truly admire your patience. Love the contrast of colors you choose for yours!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball