
09 March 2015

Make-A-List Color Mondays: All by myself

Okay, first of all, I have to share. I told you all Flower was, for a teeny moment in time, the #2 quilting pattern on Craftsy. Well, I went back on Saturday night and saw this:

Not in a perfect row like that or anything, but they were there. In the top 20! I kept texting pictures to my husband, because I'm a big dork like that. So, as previously announced, I'm extending the $5 sale on Flower for one week, and now all the patterns in my shop are $5 too. 

As of Saturday, I'm a semi-single parent. Which means that I'm a single parent. The husband started his new job today, and we're crossing fingers and toes that all goes well. Or, in the case of my eldest daughter, we're praying "he doesn't get fired on the first day." I kid you not. I'm pretty sure God understands that my husband and I had to laugh during that prayer at the dinner table. On his birthday no less.

Okay, but I'm on a new schedule this week, in an attempt to keep things as routine as possible. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's my list for last week:
  • Finish that Flower Maxi Flimsy
  • Bake one gorgeous German Chocolate Cake for the birthday man - done, and boy was it tasty!
  • Go shooting with the family - done, and we had fun!
A photo posted by Jennie (@porchswingquilts) on
  • Go bowling with the family - done!
  • Cut kitty quilt for my aunt - done!
  • Clean and organize my sewing room - yep, and this will segue nicely into my list for this week
Now that I'm officially moving, eventually, I've got to get things packed up. But I'd rather pack flimsies than blocks or cut up fabric. So my goal is to finish up on the projects I've got already prepped. That list is long. 

Don't believe me?

Yeah. Long.

I'm going to tackle as much as I can every week. Here's the plan for this week:
  • Piece kitty quilt for my aunt
  • Cut and sew two dresses for my eldest daughter
  • Make Flower mini
  • Finish Sweet Divinity flimsy
  • Finish Ruby Grannies flimsy
That ought to be plenty for this week. I've got some small projects to cut out, but those are the big ones.

Color palette for the week. What to do? 

It's too early for Easter (don't tell the people at the stores anyway). St. Patrick's Day is next week (let's be Irish next week, shall we?). I thought favorite flower could be fun.

Have I mentioned I love tulips? It cut off the last two color names, but they are Rose and Baby Pink. I need that bicycle too.

But I also love hydrangeas, because they were in my wedding bouquet.

And I really love dogwood blossoms.

How's about it, my friends? What are your favorite flowers? If you're new to this game, just check out the "Color Mondays" tab up there for instructions on how to share your palette. Play along - it's a lot of fun!


  1. Hi Jennie,
    I hope you don't mind I added my Gravity Quilt Along button to your linky! Gravity is all about Kona Solids!

  2. My prayers are with you that hubby's job goes well and that it is what he is hoping for. Love your daughter's prayer - kids just say it as they see it!
    You will be so busy. I can't wait to see all the pretties that come out of your sewing room in the next little while. Don't overdo it though! Moving is pretty tiring and stressful - make sure you look after yourself.
    And so, so exciting about your pattern sales! Very happy for you.

  3. Oh, there is so much to love about this post... the prayer, the upcoming move, the palettes... But I really, really love the best seller images at the top... WHOOT WHOOT!!!

    Good luck with flying solo! As a Mama who has a traveling husband... I get it. I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you!

  4. Jennie,

    Just wanted to say that you are very talented and have some beautiful quilts! You have a wonderful blog and we love the name you chose!

  5. Hello there!! It is not surprising to me that Catching Rays is #1. I just finished my version of Catching Rays using Mimosa by Another Point of View; however, I do not know how to send you a copy. Easy to read pattern and large block size made for a quick finish for me (~6 weeks). The quilt is on its way to a birthday girl (@47 years old). She, hopefully, will be surprised and enjoy it. Thanks!!

    1. An "AHA" moment...the finished quilt is now posted on Craftsy.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball